After purchasing far too many leather weekender bags, of which none were exactly quite right, it was time to design the perfect one! We wanted to bring this joy to our fellow leather and short break lovers. Classic style and design to get you through your lifetime of travel.

Designed in Australia and handcrafted and sewn by a beautiful leather artisan families in Indonesia & India, we are big believers in the Fashion Revolution movement and the demise of fast fashion. Our bags are designed for longevity - we think with classic styling and hardware, this will be achieved along with sustaining safe and fair workplaces for our international artisans.

Enjoy the journey...

Shelby Carter


Mission - We aim to design high quality functional leather products for our customers.

Vision - To Provide luxury leather products with a continued passion to source sustainably and ethically.

Core Values - A responsible brand committed to society and the environment. Commit to source sustainably and ethically.  Commit to continuous improvements.  Deliver outstanding service to our direct customers and retailers.  Deliver quality goods.